Posted on 1/19/2017
It doesn't seem all that long ago that an all-electric car was just a science fiction dream. Now the reality is here, and the offerings are growing at quite a pace. In this series we're going to look at what's available now in 2015 and what's to come in the near future. Is an electric car in your future? After you see what's available, and what's coming, your answer just might be 'yes'! First up, let's look at the 2015 Volkswagen e-Golf EV... When you need service on your Volkswagen, or any other domestic or foreign car, give us a call here at Elite Auto Repair here in Tempe! (480) 455-5331
Posted on 1/19/2017

Today's update comes to us via NBC's Auto News department. Distance driving can be mind-numbingly boring, but looking away from the road to text or change songs can be a life-or-death gamble. Plus, buttons embedded in the wheel only control a fraction of a car's functionality. Now German researchers have a steering wheel prototype that puts everything within reach — no glancing needed. "If you have gestures on the steering wheel, you spend more time looking at the street," said Albrecht Schmidt, a computer science professor specializing in human-computer interaction at the University of Stuttgart in Germany, who worked on the prototype. The team came up with the idea for a multi-touch steering wheel interface while thinking about driving and mobile technology. Their prototype is made from clear acrylic ringed in infrared LEDs. An infrared camera attached to the bottom picks up the reflections made when the surface is touched. A driver can con ... read more
Posted on 1/19/2017

Last week we talked about choosing a good used car to buy when you're ready. The next step is paying for it, especially if you'd like to get a car that's beyond your current cash on hand. That brings us to finding a good deal on a car loan to finance that good used car you located. If you're shopping for a car and need to finance some of the costs there are five good ways you can obtain a car loan at the lowest possible interest rate and the best loan terms. 1. They Say Timing Is Everything! Interest rates on car loans float up and down with prevailing economic conditions. Do some research on current rates and key indicators that can tell you if rates are going to be steady, rising or falling in the near term. So, if you're not in a super hurry to buy your car you might get a lower rate simply by waiting for the right time to take out a loan. 2. Know Your Credit Score Banks lend money at interest rates that match their level of risk – they use credi ... read more