Posted on 2/23/2017

What? Didn't we just cover the reasons you might want to buy an SUV last week? You bet we did. In the interests of fairness, we thought it might be valuable to offer an opposing viewpoint this week. Today's opposing viewpoints come from Jim Kenzie of Motoring TV from an episode back in 1997. Jim says you can call them crossovers or call them SUVs - just don't call them yours. That has been and continues to be, the consensus from the Motoring TV team since the show's earliest days. SUVs have come a long way, but most of the reasons Jim Kenzie laid out as to why not to buy an SUV way back in 1997 may still hold water today. "There are some safety advantages of vehicles like this," Jim said of the then-current crop of SUVs on the market. "First of all, they are heavy, and, all else being equal, a heavy vehicle is safer than a light vehicle." Jim also states the higher vantage point afforded by most SUVs gives drivers a better vantage point. But from four-wheel drive that does nothi ... read more
Posted on 2/16/2017

There’s more than the make and model to consider when it’s time to buy a new car. For consumers who'll be financing the purchase, there are generally two options, leasing, and buying. A lot of people find leasing confusing because of all the clauses and limits of liability, hidden charges and sometimes terminology that isn’t easy to understand. Most of us will purchase between 6-10 cars over our lifetime, but for those who lease, rather than buy, they'll have the use of upwards of 60 cars during t same time period. Notice the word, "use" in that sentence. It's appropriate because when leasing a vehicle you never actually own it, you're only paying to use it. Things To Consider Before Deciding To Lease Before even considering the pros and cons, consumers should be asking themselves about their particular needs, wants and circumstances to see which option, both short and long term, will be best for them. Things to consider are: Will the vehicle be used ... read more
Posted on 2/16/2017

With the economy continuing to ebb and flow unpredictably, many Americans are making the decision to keep their older vehicles. While there are trade-offs involved, one of them doesn’t have to be fuel economy. Following the tips in this article will help you understand why fuel economy suffers, and what you can do to prevent it from happening to you. The Importance of Maintaining Your Older Vehicle You can prevent most expensive repair bills and keep your car performing its best by making an effort to schedule routine maintenance and inspections. When you’re diligent about maintenance, you’re not only saving money; you’re maintaining your investment, and we're always here to help at Elite Auto Repair. What Causes Gas Mileage to Decrease? A number of factors could be contributing to your car’s poor fuel economy. Simply put: Poor fuel economy means your car doesn't run as efficiently as it could be. Which means more money out of your pocket beca ... read more
Posted on 2/16/2017

One of our favorites, The Monday Morning Mechanic, shows how hitting a pothole or curb can lead to broken shocks and struts and misaligned wheels. These can lead to decreased fuel efficiency, tires that wear much faster than normal, and wasted money. Your best bet is to bring your vehicle into a trusted ASE-Certified auto repair shop (May I suggest Elite Auto Repair?) and have your alignment checked along with your shocks and struts! Come in for a front end alignment check today! Before your do, grab our wheel alignment coupon and save some cash
Posted on 2/16/2017

Over the years we've featured a lot of super cars. Well, today here's something for our 2-wheel fans, a super bike! Who wants to take it for a spin? :) When you came across a V8 4.7L Maserati 32-valve engine most people would not think: I wonder if I can build a motorcycle around that? Clearly, most people are not Ludovic Lazareth, a custom builder and modifier of bikes and cars who is well known for his exotic designs and builds. While he insists the Lazareth – LM 847 is ‘strictly a mechanical sculpture designed around the motorcycle’s engineering,’ the 400 kg (880 lb), 475 hp beast is a sight to behold. The body is made from polyester and carbon fiber and the specs… well the specs are insane. You can find them below along with some amazing photos of this badass motorcycle. For more information visit the ... read more
Posted on 2/16/2017

Today I'd like to give you a quick overview of the modern fuel system. It starts with the fuel tank. The fuel pump is located inside the tank and pumps fuel out to the engine. Somewhere along the way is a fuel filter, whose job is to filter out dirt before it gets into the engine. Then there's the fuel intake system and the fuel injectors that deliver the fuel to be burned in the engine. Now, let's focus on how to make the various components of your fuel system work well and last as long as possible. The best thing you can do for your fuel pump is to use good, quality fuel. Top-tier gas typically has fewer contaminants and more detergents, to keep things clean. Using good gas or adding a fuel system cleaner to your tank can prolong the life of your fuel pump. Because the fuel pump lives inside your tank, it's pretty expensive to replace. Helping it last as long as possible is a worthwhile goal. The fuel filter is often called the forgotten filter, but it plays a vital role in ho ... read more
Posted on 2/16/2017

Tires are the only part of the vehicle that touches the road, yet consumers hardly pay them any attention, except for when things go wrong. You may have noticed what seems like strange markings or letters on the sides of your tires; but have you ever wondered what they mean? Rather than wait to discover what the symbols and writing on your tires mean, we're here to divulge the mystery! The Writing Serves a Purpose While it may seem as if tire manufactures put those letters and numbers there to confuse you, we assure you it's not the case. Rather, these markings communicate important information to auto repair professionals. Since tire manufacturers can't attach manuals or letters to the tires themselves, they've developed their own language for communicating things like load carrying capacity, the maximum inflation pressures, and max mph; but there's even more to it. A quick glance at the tire and you may notice a large letter prese ... read more
Posted on 2/16/2017

If your car ever breaks down and leaves you stranded on the side of the road, rescue may not come for several hours. If you're left sitting in extreme heat or cold, you may become uncomfortable very quickly, especially if you can't start the car. If you have young children or elderly passengers, the extreme temperatures can become deadly. This is why it's very important to have a roadside emergency kit stored in the trunk of your car. This kit should include everything you'll need if you end up stranded on the road. You can purchase some pre-made emergency kits, but these kits don't always come with everything you need. If you're going to put together your own roadside kit, here are some things you should include: A flashlight with extra batteries (a necessity if you break down at night) Jumper cables (at least eight foot; twelve foot cables are best) A first aid kit that should include aspirin, Band-Aids, antiseptic wipes, adhesive tape, and any over-the-c ... read more
Posted on 2/16/2017

Did you know you should have your vehicle inspected at least once every year or so? This is because you need to do some preventative maintenance yearly to avoid major problems. After all, most people go see their doctor, optometrist, and dentist once a year so any major health issues can be caught and dealt with as early as possible. You need to do the same for your car. The beginning of the fall is the perfect time to have this preventative maintenance done. There are a few reasons why it's a good time. You've Driven a Lot Over the Summer Many families do a little more driving during the summer than usual. While it's true you don't have to drive your kids to school or to their various activities, you may drive them to other activities, such as a summer sports league, summer school, a sitter, or to the playground or park on a regular basis. Many people take vacations over Labor Day or Memorial Day, plus some people drive to their summer ... read more
Posted on 2/16/2017

Visiting the gas station to fuel up is an activity almost no one enjoys. As a result, many ideas and strategies have been formed to reduce the visit to a gas station, whether they work or not is an entirely different can of worms. One of the most popular strategies is topping off at the gas pump. While it sounds practical, unsuspecting car owners may be causing more harm than good by trying to ‘cheat’ the gas pump. Will My Car Take in More Gas After the Initial Nozzle Click? The short answer: Yes. The longer answer: Yes, but here’s why: Your car is capable of admitting more gas after the first automatic nozzle click. The nozzle itself is controlled by a vacuum system which senses when it’s time to off the flow of the fuel. If you were to inspect the fuel nozzle closely, you might see a small port or hole at the tip, which is responsible for relieving some of the air that is trapped in your gas tank. Once the fuel flow stops, this trapped air is permitted to e ... read more