Posted on 4/20/2017

We see it all the time...bargain basement pricing for popular auto repair services. Today we're going to focus on the very important brake job, and why you should never skimp on a critical safety system like this. This video feature comes to us from David Rogers, the Monday Morning Mechanic. If you're concerned about your brakes, bring your car in for a free brake inspection. If you're in need of any repairs we'll provide you with a free estimate that's fair and complete
Posted on 2/16/2017

I probably don't need to tell you how important your disc brakes are! Having good brakes just keeps you out of trouble. Carefully maintaining your brakes is the key. With disc brakes, brake pads rub on a disc, or rotor, to slow the wheels. The pads are attached to a caliper that squeezes them against the rotor. It's kind of like how squeezing the handbrake on a bicycle pushes the brake pads against the wheel of the bike. Now, pads just wear away with use, kind of like how a pencil eraser wears out. But the good news is replacing brake pads is a straightforward repair. If you hear squealing or grinding when you use the brakes, have your service advisor here are Elite Auto Repair in Tempe check them out. He'll have one of our certified technicians perform a thorough brake inspection to see what needs to be done. He'll check for signs of brake problems and go over other brake components to see tha ... read more
Posted on 6/23/2016

Your power brake system helps you provide braking power, so you don't have to do all the work with your brake pedal. So what's involved in the power brake system? The actual brakes are applied at the wheel, using hydraulic pressure. When you step on the brake pedal, it creates pressure in the power booster that's multiplied by vacuum from the engine, and the resulting pressure pushes brake fluid through the master cylinder, into tubes and hoses that run to the brake at each wheel. Where do the problems with the power brakes usually arise? It's usually a fluid leak somewhere along the line. It could be at a fitting or a hose or even an internal leak in the master cylinder. A leak gives the pressurized fluid somewhere to go, other than to the brakes, so stopping power is diminished. If you lose enough fluid and you won't be able to stop at all! Need I say, that would be extremely dangerous! If you notice any decrease in stopping power or if your brake pedal seems mushy, you could h ... read more
Posted on 5/19/2016

Brakes that work properly are essential to your safety. So of course, you want to carefully maintain your brakes. In vehicles equipped with drum brakes, the brake components are housed inside a drum that rotates with the wheel. When you step on the brake pedal, brake shoes push out against the inside of the drum, slowing the wheel. Now, brake shoes just wear away by rubbing on the drum when you brake. When it's time to replace brake shoes, it's a straightforward repair. If you hear squealing or grinding when braking, have your service advisor here at Elite Auto Repair in Tempe check them out. He'll have a service technician perform a thorough brake inspection to see what needs to be done. He'll check for signs of brake problems and go over other brake components to see that they're working properly. He can tell you if it's time to replace the shoes or if there are other brake i ... read more