Posted on 4/20/2017

Hypermiling isn't a term many people are familiar with, but the action itself is actually fairly common. Basically, hypermiling describes using a set of driving principles to maximize your car's fuel economy and get the most miles out of every gallon of gas. A hypermiler, or one who follows these principles, may save a good deal of money. The downside is that, while some of these principles are actually very sound ideas, some of them can be on the dangerous side. Who can make use of hypermiling? Anyone. Any make and model of a car, from a large truck to a small Volkswagen Beetle or even a Smart car, can make use of hypermiling. If you're a safe, responsible driver, you can make use of the less dangerous methods to help save money on gas. All it takes is a few changes to your driving habits. However, make absolutely certain you understand which methods are safe and avoid the more dangerous techniques. Common Hypermiling Techniques Some basic techniques o ... read more