If you feel that the quality of your vehicle ride has degenerated as compared to what it was just a few months ago, it's good to understand how to check whether the shock absorbers or struts in your car are working properly. Below are some tips on just how to do that.
Observe From The Front: Park your car on a flat surface in such a way it looks perfectly level. This means both the sides should be the same height from the ground. If you know the specification of the suspension, you can measure the height. If the height is below or at the minimum specified by your manufacturer, then it's an indication you should bring your car in for an inspection and evaluation.
Push Down On The Front: Even though this is not a scientific test, it's something that can be helpful when done in conjunction with other checks. To perform this test, you'll have to stand in front of, or in back of, your car. Carefully place your foot on the bumper, or you can also place your knee on a surface that won't bend or dent. Now, push your weight onto the car in such a way the vehicle is pushed down. Then, quickly remove your weight. Your car should spring up and return to its original position once, rather than being stiff or continuing bouncing. If it bounces more than two times, it's an indication there may be some problems with the shock absorbers or struts. Again, bring it in for a
free inspection to be sure.
Visual Inspection: Carefully look for signs of liquid running down from the shock absorbers or struts. It can be the sign of wear, and once the seals start to leak it may be time for replacements. Periodic shock and strut replacement are essential to the longevity of your car and passenger comfort. It can also be a safety issue as the steering and control of your car can be effected. If you have any doubts we're always a short drive away for a free inspection to put your mind at ease!
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