In a feature column in the
Wall Street Journal racing pioneer Denise McCluggage relates, "Of all the automobiles I've owned over my lifetime, I never imagined that for 20 years I would live with a car like the Suzuki Sidekick, or that I would love it so much." Throughout the years McCluggage has owned an Alfa Romeo, a Porsche, a Jaguar, an MG, and a Ferrari. Oh yes, and a Suzuki Sidekick. She bought the Sidekick in 1993 because she likes four-wheel drive and it's mountainous and snowy where she resides in new Mexico. McCluggage concludes, "I like small cars that make my garage look big. There was never any reason to buy another car. It was one of the best of its kind, and it still is. The license plate reads "PODNAH," like "partner". It's become my Sidekick - in more ways than one." Are you currently driving your favorite vehicle? What's your story of why?
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