Posted on 4/20/2017

Brakes are essential to the proper function of your vehicle. They’re responsible for bringing your thousand(s)-pound vehicle to a halt, making safe turns and slowing down. If your brakes are not maintained properly, you run the risk of damaging the vehicle or getting involved in an accident, which can cause serious injury to yourself and others on the road. For this reason, brake inspections and repairs are essential to the proper functioning of your vehicle and shouldn’t be neglected. Signs It Might Be Time ++ Noises Squealing...we’re all familiar with that high pitched squeal emitted whenever we apply the brakes. The squeal comes from a sensor that lets you know your brakes are in need of servicing. In addition to any squeals you’ll want to listen for any harsh grinding noises indicating your brake pads are completely worn and the metal of your brake calipers are grinding against your rotors. If you hear grinding noises there’s no time to delay, bring y ... read more