Posted on 4/20/2017

Your axles are the last link in transferring power from the engine to your wheels. They're strong parts that last a long time, but they can run into trouble. Of course, axles just wear out over time and need to be replaced, and sometimes axle seals leak, causing the axle to wear out prematurely. Lubricant leaks out and water and dirt can get in and contaminate the gears. When this happens, you might hear strange noises coming from your axle. If you have a rear wheel drive vehicle, the sound would be at the back. If you have a front wheel drive vehicle, the sound would be up front. Of course, with an all wheel drive vehicle, the sound could come from either the front or the back. It might be a groaning sound or a clunking noise when you’re turning. Your service technician here in Temple at Elite Auto Repair can inspect for leaking seals. There's a rubber boot that protects the constant velocity, or CV joints, on so ... read more