Posted on 2/2/2017

Last month we covered a lot of ground on buying and financing a good used car. Once you make that purchase, or even with the car you now own, you need to continue to be a good shopper when it comes to selecting and purchasing your car insurance. Here the five things you might want to consider when you shop for general car insurance. #5 How Much Should You Pay? When it comes to the cost of auto insurance, there are some factors you can't control, such as where you live, your age and whether you're male or female. However, you can control things like your driving record, the type of car you own and how much you drive, which is one of the biggest factors that determines how much you'll pay. #4 Do You Know Your Vehicle's History? Did you know that a vehicle involved in an accident is more likely to be in another accident? If you're planning to buy a car, it's a good idea to check its Vehicle History Report to make sure that there's not any pre-existing d ... read more