Posted on 12/21/2016

With the advancement of hybrid vehicles, more and more consumers are replacing their vehicles with them. There are many things that distinguish a hybrid vehicle from its non-hybrid counterpart. One of them is maintenance. In order to understand the maintenance aspect of owning a hybrid vehicle, we need to determine how exactly a hybrid vehicle is different from its counterpart. How A Hybrid Vehicle Functions Hybrids operate by combining two fuel sources. The traditional gas powered engine is usually only used when the electric motor or battery is drained enough to permit the use of the gas powered engine. The computer in the hybrid vehicle does many things, including determining when to switch from electric power to gas power. The typical hybrid car is made from lighter materials, including carbon fiber in some cases, and functions off of a smaller, lightweight engine. Pros and Cons of Hybrid Vehicles at A Glance If you’re considering trading in your old car for a hybr ... read more