Posted on 2/16/2017

Tires are the only part of the vehicle that touches the road, yet consumers hardly pay them any attention, except for when things go wrong. You may have noticed what seems like strange markings or letters on the sides of your tires; but have you ever wondered what they mean? Rather than wait to discover what the symbols and writing on your tires mean, we're here to divulge the mystery! The Writing Serves a Purpose While it may seem as if tire manufactures put those letters and numbers there to confuse you, we assure you it's not the case. Rather, these markings communicate important information to auto repair professionals. Since tire manufacturers can't attach manuals or letters to the tires themselves, they've developed their own language for communicating things like load carrying capacity, the maximum inflation pressures, and max mph; but there's even more to it. A quick glance at the tire and you may notice a large letter prese ... read more