Posted on 2/16/2017

There’s more than the make and model to consider when it’s time to buy a new car. For consumers who'll be financing the purchase, there are generally two options, leasing, and buying. A lot of people find leasing confusing because of all the clauses and limits of liability, hidden charges and sometimes terminology that isn’t easy to understand. Most of us will purchase between 6-10 cars over our lifetime, but for those who lease, rather than buy, they'll have the use of upwards of 60 cars during t same time period. Notice the word, "use" in that sentence. It's appropriate because when leasing a vehicle you never actually own it, you're only paying to use it. Things To Consider Before Deciding To Lease Before even considering the pros and cons, consumers should be asking themselves about their particular needs, wants and circumstances to see which option, both short and long term, will be best for them. Things to consider are: Will the vehicle be used ... read more