Posted on 4/20/2017

A flat tire is one of the best ways to ruin your day. Not only do you have to jack up the car, take the flat tire off, and put the spare on (or call a service like AAA), you have to suffer the inconvenience of having the puncture repaired. But how does a tire repair work, is it effective and when is a tire considered to be irreparable? 1. Tire Repair There are basically three approaches to repairing a tire: - Plugs are used to repair holes in the tread of the tire, normally in the size and shape of the puncture. This should seal leaks from the outside of the tire but may be ineffective at sealing the inside or inner lining of the tire. This is the preferred method as it is quick, easy and inexpensive. - Seals are used on the inside of the tire. This means the tire needs to be dismounted, which is a time consuming task. However, seals are often more effective than plugs. On the other hand, they do not repair the tread or outside of the ti ... read more