Posted on 4/20/2017

You've selected the car, you've road tested the car, everything is fine, but still, remember one thing, you never fall in love with a car. Especially when you're negotiating to buy it. Cars are just mechanical devices and there are all kinds of them. You can go to the next dealer and find the same thing so, don't fall in love, at least not just yet. :) Now, it's time to make the actual deal. There are certain key things about making a deal on an automobile. You have to remember that the dealership is in business to make a profit, they're entitled to make a profit, they have a big overhead. Trying to get them below where they would make a profit is probably not going to happen. If they do that on a regular basis they're going to be out of business in short order. You want to negotiate a price based on your research that's fair to both you and the dealer. Once you get to that point, remember, everything that's promised to you, has to be in writing and i ... read more