Todays's excellent
car maintenance suggestions are brought to be the good folks over at CarFax. Today they offer some great tips on how to keep your car running well. Vehicle maintenance is an ongoing endeavor and may cause you a fair amount of headaches. With all of the things going on in our lives, thinking about our car's next oil change is the last thing we want to worry about. But to keep our cars on the road in reliable and safe driving condition…we have to take care of our cars. There are three primary factors driving a cars maintenance needs: The car’s age – the older the car is the more frequently it will need care. The type of mileage you drive – short local trips can impact wear and tear as much as high volume mileage. And the driving conditions – highway, city and off-road driving all have different effects on the frequency and type of maintenance that may be required. Your car’s maintenance manual contains all of the information you need to keep your car well maintained, but let’s be honest – nobody has the time to read that thing. That’s why MyCarfax was created. All you have to do is jot down your license plate number and visit MyCarfax.com. You can sign up for their free service reminders and reduce the headache of vehicle maintenance. When you go for service, MyCarfax will tell you what your manufacturer recommends you have serviced. In addition, you’ll want to check for signs of unusual wear and any type of leakage from hoses or seals. So whenever you gas up your car take a look at your tires and lights and under the hood. To best way to maintain your car you just need to know what to do and when to do it.
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