Posted on 2/16/2017

Visiting the gas station to fuel up is an activity almost no one enjoys. As a result, many ideas and strategies have been formed to reduce the visit to a gas station, whether they work or not is an entirely different can of worms. One of the most popular strategies is topping off at the gas pump. While it sounds practical, unsuspecting car owners may be causing more harm than good by trying to ‘cheat’ the gas pump. Will My Car Take in More Gas After the Initial Nozzle Click? The short answer: Yes. The longer answer: Yes, but here’s why: Your car is capable of admitting more gas after the first automatic nozzle click. The nozzle itself is controlled by a vacuum system which senses when it’s time to off the flow of the fuel. If you were to inspect the fuel nozzle closely, you might see a small port or hole at the tip, which is responsible for relieving some of the air that is trapped in your gas tank. Once the fuel flow stops, this trapped air is permitted to e ... read more
Posted on 12/21/2016

We've all heard some weird stories about how to get better gas mileage and other things that'll improve or damage our car's fuel economy. While some of these may have a kernel of truth to them, many are actually completely false. Here are a few of these car myths that don't really have any truth to them at all. Following them won't increase or decrease your car's fuel efficiency. Myth #1: Cranking Up The Air Conditioning Lowers Your Fuel Economy Truth: While it's true that running your air conditioner does make your engine work harder, there's a lot of debate over what exactly that does to your fuel economy. In a number of tests done by Consumer Reports, there was very little difference between driving a car with the air conditioner on full and with it turned off. Yes, it did effect fuel economy a little bit, but the decrease was so slight that it's not going to save you much money at all. Plus, having the windows down c ... read more