Posted on 10/13/2016

Let's talk about your suspension. You know, the system that connects your wheels to the vehicle, controls your handling and delivers a good ride. Your suspension is critical for proper steering, stopping and stability. It's a rough world out there, and every time you hit a pothole, a bump or an object in the road, your suspension system has to absorb that impact and maintain control. As you can imagine, your suspension has a lot of joints and pivot points, which allow your wheels to move up and down over bumps and to turn as you steer. Now, these joints simply wear out over time. When a joint is worn, the suspension parts don't fit together as tightly as they should. Handling and steering has a loose feel, and you may hear strange noises. Your tires will wear unevenly, because they're bouncing down the road a little off kilter. A loose joint has the affect of stressing other suspension components so they wear out faster than they should s well, and sometimes a suspension pa ... read more
Posted on 1/28/2016

Let's talk shocks and struts. Shock absorbers last a long time and wear out pretty slowly, so I guess you could say they're easy to take for granted. But your shocks and struts do a very important job, so you need to pay attention to them. They keep your tires on the road, and your tires are what connect your vehicle to the road and allow you to safely handle your car through turns, over bumps and even stop efficiently. So what happens when your shocks or struts are worn? When your shocks and struts are worn, your tires bounce excessively over bumps. Your vehicle will wallow through corners. Your front end will dive when you stop, and your rear end will squat when you accelerate. All this hurts your ability to control your vehicle, and your ride just isn't as comfortable. In a nutshell...bad handling and control. You may have also heard that worn shocks or struts cause excessive tire wear, so you'll have to replace your tires sooner then you should. That's very true ... read more