Posted on 4/20/2017

The development of self-driving vehicles continues to accelerate faster and faster. following up on announced plans last year, Volvo has become the latest manufacturer to being public road testing with actual vehicles. They plan to eventually have a fleet of 100 text cars on the roads around their headquarters in Sweden. Volvo has branded this phase of their testing "Drive Me". Federal and local government agencies are cooperating on the project. Right now drivers are getting behind the steering wheels of semi-autonomous vehicles that are traveling on 31 miles of roads round Gothenburg, Sweden. "The test cars are now able to handle lane following, speed adaption and merging traffic all by themselves," said Erik Coelingh, a technical specialist at Volvo. "This is an important step towards our aim that the final 'Drive Me' cars will be able to drive the whole test route in highly autonomous mode. The technology, which will be called Autopilot, enables the driver to hand over th ... read more
Posted on 4/20/2017

As a new year approaches it's an exciting time for automotive enthusiasts. Why? The new year models and technology begin to leak out and be introduced to the public. For some models it's simply a slight refresh, and for others a radical departure that engages the imagination! In this four-part series we'll be looking at awesome video footage revealing what's in store for 2014, both the average and the very highest levels of automotive perfection. First up is the new 2014 Chrysler 300C. To me, from the day this modern version was released, looked like the coolest gangster sedan that even a sports car enthusiast wouldn't mind using to just to cruise down the road in style. Okay, this next one is an unusual entry to say the least, but it certainly is a unique and interesting approach to the automotive world and sparking the shared interest in cars between parents and their children. The concept, brought to us by Toyota and called the "Camatte57s", is aimed at bringing p ... read more
Posted on 2/9/2017

Remember how awesome getting your first car as a teenager was and how it was a total stress out for your parents? Now it's decades later and your turn to stress with your teen's driving. I'm sure you'd agree that the safety of your family on the road is a priority for you. In no case could that be more true than if you have a teen driver in the family. Among many other factors, they are simply inexperienced. The one thing you can do is to make sure they're driving the safest vehicle possible. To help keep him or her safe, here are five things your teen's car should have. Number Five: Where the Rubber Meets the Road Start from the ground up and think about the tires on your teen's car. All-weather tires help give young, inexperienced drivers like your teen the best chance for maintaining control, especially in poor weather. Teach your teen the benefits of proper inflation and the penny test for checking tread. Number Four: Bigger Cars May Be Safer At least that's what the experts ... read more
Posted on 10/13/2016

Let's talk about your suspension. You know, the system that connects your wheels to the vehicle, controls your handling and delivers a good ride. Your suspension is critical for proper steering, stopping and stability. It's a rough world out there, and every time you hit a pothole, a bump or an object in the road, your suspension system has to absorb that impact and maintain control. As you can imagine, your suspension has a lot of joints and pivot points, which allow your wheels to move up and down over bumps and to turn as you steer. Now, these joints simply wear out over time. When a joint is worn, the suspension parts don't fit together as tightly as they should. Handling and steering has a loose feel, and you may hear strange noises. Your tires will wear unevenly, because they're bouncing down the road a little off kilter. A loose joint has the affect of stressing other suspension components so they wear out faster than they should s well, and sometimes a suspension pa ... read more