Posted on 4/20/2017

Self-driving cars could cut road deaths by 80%, but without better security they put us at risk of car hacking and even ransoms, experts at SXSW say Youre about to drive to work. You turn on the ignition and a message on the dash lights up. Weve hacked your car! Pay 10 bitcoin to get it back. Hacking into software and then demanding a ransom to release it whats known as ransomware is not new. Finnish security expert Mikko Hypponen fully expects it to become a reality as self-driving or autonomous cars start to become more commonplace. Already, one hacker claims to have taken control of some systems on board a passenger plane he was on, getting as far as issuing a climb command that he accessed through the entertainment system. Another pair of hackers caused a ... read more
Posted on 4/20/2017

The development of self-driving vehicles continues to accelerate faster and faster. following up on announced plans last year, Volvo has become the latest manufacturer to being public road testing with actual vehicles. They plan to eventually have a fleet of 100 text cars on the roads around their headquarters in Sweden. Volvo has branded this phase of their testing "Drive Me". Federal and local government agencies are cooperating on the project. Right now drivers are getting behind the steering wheels of semi-autonomous vehicles that are traveling on 31 miles of roads round Gothenburg, Sweden. "The test cars are now able to handle lane following, speed adaption and merging traffic all by themselves," said Erik Coelingh, a technical specialist at Volvo. "This is an important step towards our aim that the final 'Drive Me' cars will be able to drive the whole test route in highly autonomous mode. The technology, which will be called Autopilot, enables the driver to hand over th ... read more