Posted on 4/20/2017

Understanding The Battery Indicator Light The charging system light or battery indicator light shouldn't be ignored.. Whenever this indicator light turns on, it means that the vehicle is relying solely on the stored battery power to continue to power all of its electronic components. Unfortunately, this means the car is limited in how far it can travel before the car dies due to lack of electrical power. Most vehicles will display the warning light in one of three ways: The light may be red or amber and displays the "CHG" or "ALT" icons. The indicator light is red and displays the "BATT" when the key is in the ignition and the engine is off. Most commonly, there's a red icon that represents a car battery. Before the 1990's, the charging systems in vehicles relied on a voltage regulator near or inside the alternator itself to function properly. The light was attached to the battery and whenever the vehicle started, th ... read more
Posted on 3/23/2016

Batteries are a huge part of modern life. How many battery chargers do you have around? We've got a box full of them. Of course, we're here to talk about your car battery. When people come into our tempe auto repair shop and need a new battery, they're really not that happy about having to spend the money. But the fact is, 70% of batteries don't last four years, but there are some things you can do to extend the life of your battery. First, keep it clean. If you see it getting dirty or greasy, let us know and we can clean it off. A dirty battery runs hotter, and that shortens its life. If your battery terminals are corroded, let us take a look at that, too. We can clean them up, and if the corrosion has gotten into the battery cables, we can replace them. Also, running your battery way down is bad for it. Things like running the headlights or watching a DVD player with the car turned off, can deeply deplete your battery. The typical battery can only take about ten of these d ... read more