Posted on 8/3/2018
How Do I Know If My Mechanic is Honest? Considering there are some 800,000 auto mechanics in the US, about one for every 316 cars, it makes sense that most drivers don’t know much about cars. Unfortunately, dishonest mechanics might exploit that inexperience, overcharging for auto repairs or suggesting unnecessary and expensive services, to name a few. How do you know if your mechanic is being honest? How Dishonest Mechanics Work Dishonest mechanics may exploit the unaware by hyping up a service, with confusing technobabble, or suggesting “shotgun” repairs. If you hear, “Your car is going to (explode, burn, die) if you don’t do this,” be wary and get a second opinion. Rarely is a repair such a dire emergency. Dishonest mechanics and hack mechanics might suggest shotgun repairs. There’s almost no chance that your no-start problem will need a starter, battery, and alternator to fix. Similarly, there’s almost zero chance t ... read more
Posted on 5/3/2018

How to Do A Brake Job the Right Way Why do we need another article on doing a brake job? This article will give you the know-how and numerous tips to help you solve common braking issues on today’s vehicles. In this article, I will give you professional advice and technician-accredited tips that we’ve been using at our shop for years. Hopefully, whether you’re a driver, do-it-yourselfer, or technician, these steps and tips will help you make the right decisions when it comes to addressing brake repairs on whatever vehicle you’re driving or working on. One of the first things you need to start with is why your vehicle needs brake repairs in the first place. At the risk of minimizing your technical expertise, no matter what level you are at, I believe it’s important to first nail down the reason behind the brake job. On the one hand, if you know you need brake repairs because you’ve done a brake inspection and have verified that brake pad thickness ... read more
Posted on 4/20/2017

Today it's time for a bit of light hearted fun. We're going to look at what happens when do-it-yourself car repair goes, really, really wrong! If you ever see anything like these on the road or in a parking lot, snap a shot of it and send it in to us, we'd love to see it
Posted on 4/20/2017

It happens to everyone at some point: you're running late, it's a big day, and just when you think you're going to make it, you turn your key and...your car does nothing. There are a number of reasons why your car may not start. Some of them can be pretty quick, inexpensive fixes, but some may require the assistance of a professional mechanic. Here are some of the more common issues that can cause your car to not start. Check the Battery Cables If your car makes no noise at all when you try to start it, one of the battery cables may be the problem. Look to see if they're corroded. If you're comfortable using hand tools under the hood, you can take a screwdriver, push the point between the connector and the battery post, and twist it a little. If the engine then starts, the problem is the cable, and you'll need to replace as soon as possible. Is the Battery Dead? If your car makes a clicking noise, the problem may be the battery ... read more
Posted on 4/20/2017

Understanding The Battery Indicator Light The charging system light or battery indicator light shouldn't be ignored.. Whenever this indicator light turns on, it means that the vehicle is relying solely on the stored battery power to continue to power all of its electronic components. Unfortunately, this means the car is limited in how far it can travel before the car dies due to lack of electrical power. Most vehicles will display the warning light in one of three ways: The light may be red or amber and displays the "CHG" or "ALT" icons. The indicator light is red and displays the "BATT" when the key is in the ignition and the engine is off. Most commonly, there's a red icon that represents a car battery. Before the 1990's, the charging systems in vehicles relied on a voltage regulator near or inside the alternator itself to function properly. The light was attached to the battery and whenever the vehicle started, th ... read more
Posted on 4/6/2017

This is from an article that I ran accross just recently. I think it speaks to how we as car repairers need to focus on the cusotmers needs... Factors Influencing Repair Outlet Choice In 2011 Understanding what consumers value in a repair outlet today will allow service providers and their vendors to collaborate to craft an attractive offering in the market, fine-tune the consumer message, and focus execution on critical components of the customer experience. Two key factors influencing consumer repair outlet choice today are trust and value. In addition to the aging vehicle trend, trust is enabling repair shops to win in the current environment. Consumers can't afford to overspend on unnecessary work, nor can they endure the cost of a job not done well. Consumers are spreading the word about repair facilities that can be trusted to do just what is needed at a fair price and get it done right. Today's consumer is also very deal- and discount-oriented. Among other ... read more
Posted on 2/16/2017

With the economy continuing to ebb and flow unpredictably, many Americans are making the decision to keep their older vehicles. While there are trade-offs involved, one of them doesn’t have to be fuel economy. Following the tips in this article will help you understand why fuel economy suffers, and what you can do to prevent it from happening to you. The Importance of Maintaining Your Older Vehicle You can prevent most expensive repair bills and keep your car performing its best by making an effort to schedule routine maintenance and inspections. When you’re diligent about maintenance, you’re not only saving money; you’re maintaining your investment, and we're always here to help at Elite Auto Repair. What Causes Gas Mileage to Decrease? A number of factors could be contributing to your car’s poor fuel economy. Simply put: Poor fuel economy means your car doesn't run as efficiently as it could be. Which means more money out of your pocket beca ... read more
Posted on 4/21/2016

You've probably noticed a bunch of warning lights on your dash when you start your engine. They flash on to test the circuits and then go off if everything's okay. One of the warning lights looks like a car battery. Its job is to tell you if your battery is not charging properly. Now, you know that your battery stores electricity, enough to start your engine and get you moving, but that's about it. You can only get a few miles on battery power alone. You need an alternator to generate enough electricity to run your engine and power your electrical accessories, like the stereo, power seats, heater fan, onboard computers and so on. On top of that, the alternator needs to recharge your battery. So when your alternator isn't working properly, there isn't enough electricity for all those things. One thing's for sure, when your alternator fails, you aren't going very far. Why would your alternator not work? Usually they've simply worn out. Alternators are driv ... read more
Posted on 4/21/2016

If your car's air conditioning goes out on a hot summer day, your commute to work and to run errands is going to be miserable. There's nothing quite like being stuck in a hot car in the middle of a traffic jam. If your air conditioning isn't blowing cold air, there are a few different things that could be wrong with it. Here are some of the most common issues and what you can do to fix them. It Needs Recharging The most common cause of an air conditioner not getting cold enough is that it needs to be recharged. You can recharge your refrigerant by yourself, but if you're not comfortable doing it, one of our ASE Certified mechanics are standing by and should be able to get your cold air flowing again pretty quickly. There's a Freon Leak Freon is the chemical that cools the air, so if there's a le ... read more