Posted on 4/20/2017
That mechanical marvel under the hood of your car called a "motor" or "engine" is a large machine made up of hundreds of smaller parts, systems and subsystems. They all work together turning air and fuel into thousands of small explosions, which move your car down the road, getting you from point A to point B. If it seems complex, you're right, it is. That's why all of our ASE Certified Auto Technicians spend so much time studying and learning all of the past auto technology as well as future technology about to be released into the driving public. However, this doesn't mean you can never understand it or become familiar with how your engine works. You can also quickly learn what some of the more esoteric parts look like. You've heard of pistons and valves. Do you know what they look like? Do you know how they work? How about your timing chain/belt, or water pump? Prepare yourself for what may be the only video resource you'll ever need to learn what the parts of an engine look l ... read more
Posted on 2/16/2017

One of our favorites, The Monday Morning Mechanic, shows how hitting a pothole or curb can lead to broken shocks and struts and misaligned wheels. These can lead to decreased fuel efficiency, tires that wear much faster than normal, and wasted money. Your best bet is to bring your vehicle into a trusted ASE-Certified auto repair shop (May I suggest Elite Auto Repair?) and have your alignment checked along with your shocks and struts! Come in for a front end alignment check today! Before your do, grab our wheel alignment coupon and save some cash
Posted on 2/2/2017

Like many reputable auto repair shops, Elite Auto Repair features ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certified auto repair technicians. Perhaps you've wondered just what that means exactly, and what the value of it is to you, the consumer. Since 1972, the ASE Blue Seal has been the most valued professional credential for the automotive repair and service industry. Getting ASE Certified shows that an auto repair facility isn't satisfied with being just average — they're choosing excellence for their repair shop. In this video, Tony Molla, Vice President of Communications, and Dave Cappert, Executive Director of Electronic Initiatives, explain the many reasons why an auto technician and/or a facility chooses to be certified
Posted on 2/18/2016

A part of car ownership involves vehicle maintenance and the occasional shopping trip to replace obsolete auto parts. Whether the parts aim to maintain the function of the vehicle, or you're looking to improve the appearances of your vehicle, shopping will present a whole new challenge if you can't determine the difference between OEM and Aftermarket Parts. Many often wonder if it's worth sticking to genuine vehicle parts or if there are some benefits other than cost to purchasing aftermarket parts from a different manufacturer. While it's normal to wonder about such things, it may be comforting to know most of the parts you'll ever have to replace on your vehicle were probably outsourced to another company to begin with. It's rare and sometimes even expensive to produce auto parts in house. Take it from Henry Ford, who was known to outsource the production and purchase of parts such as tires, springs, and even generators. Yes, even for his beloved Model T cars. Depending on the aut ... read more