Posted on 4/6/2017

This is from an article that I ran accross just recently. I think it speaks to how we as car repairers need to focus on the cusotmers needs... Factors Influencing Repair Outlet Choice In 2011 Understanding what consumers value in a repair outlet today will allow service providers and their vendors to collaborate to craft an attractive offering in the market, fine-tune the consumer message, and focus execution on critical components of the customer experience. Two key factors influencing consumer repair outlet choice today are trust and value. In addition to the aging vehicle trend, trust is enabling repair shops to win in the current environment. Consumers can't afford to overspend on unnecessary work, nor can they endure the cost of a job not done well. Consumers are spreading the word about repair facilities that can be trusted to do just what is needed at a fair price and get it done right. Today's consumer is also very deal- and discount-oriented. Among other ... read more