Posted on 5/3/2018

How to Do A Brake Job the Right Way Why do we need another article on doing a brake job? This article will give you the know-how and numerous tips to help you solve common braking issues on today’s vehicles. In this article, I will give you professional advice and technician-accredited tips that we’ve been using at our shop for years. Hopefully, whether you’re a driver, do-it-yourselfer, or technician, these steps and tips will help you make the right decisions when it comes to addressing brake repairs on whatever vehicle you’re driving or working on. One of the first things you need to start with is why your vehicle needs brake repairs in the first place. At the risk of minimizing your technical expertise, no matter what level you are at, I believe it’s important to first nail down the reason behind the brake job. On the one hand, if you know you need brake repairs because you’ve done a brake inspection and have verified that brake pad thickness ... read more
Posted on 4/20/2017

Choosing the best, whether synthetic or conventional, engine oil is highly controversial and debated. Motor oil is surrounded with myths and questions. Today we'll look at the answers to these common motor oil questions: What does 5W-30 mean? Why should I change my oil? What is the typical composition of motor oil? Are aftermarket oil additives needed? What does synthetic oil mean? Can you mix synthetic with conventional oil? Can synthetic be used to break in an engine? What causes sludge? Why should I use the viscosity grade that the manufacturer recommends? Check out the video below for the answers to these frequently asked questions. And remember, if you're ever unsure about a topic like this as it applies to your cars, we're only a phone call away
Posted on 2/9/2017

The Positive Benefits Of Preventative Auto Maintenance We don't know anyone who looks forward to unexpected repair bills for their cars, but it's something that you may face time and time again, without consistent attention to the maintenance of your vehicle. We feel the pain of each and every customer that walks through our doors with broken cars in desperate need of repair. Their story could be different if they had taken a little time to care for their cars on a routine basis, instead of putting things off for some future date. If you feel like you're spending too much time and too much money on repairs, the answer to your woes is having preventative auto maintenance performed on your vehicle at the right intervals, or when you first get a warning that one of the systems in your car is in need of repair. These warnings may come from an odd sound that you notice coming from your vehicle or may come from a light on the dash that stays on longer than it used to. Paying attent ... read more